Press Releases

August 15, 2019
10 young representatives were invited by EBAA to join a team of young dynamic people from all over the world in The Hague for One Young World Forum, a WEF like conference on current and prevalent world issues. Patrick Müry of Cat Aviation had the chance to participate at the conference. He states this was one of a life time chance and made a huge impression. Read his exhilarating report from that visit.

November 22, 2018
Bern Airport and Business Aviation are collaborating successfully to provide what scheduled airlines are unable to offer – and this partnership is yielding major competitive advantages for the Espace Mittelland economic region. Missions such as the one undertaken by Prof. Thierry Carrel make it clear why this is so. To meet a commitment for a charitable cause, the renowned heart surgeon needed to fly out to Rabat (Morocco) and back to Switzerland in just one day so that he could be at the operating table again next morning.

May 22, 2017
During this year’s EBACE in Geneva, Cat Aviation AG, Zurich Switzerland, was awarded with the Silver Flight Award for Safety 2017 by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA).