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Covid-19 update: CAT Aviation remains fully operational

Autorenbild: Cat Aviation AGCat Aviation AG

With the spread of the corona virus, the world faces one of the greatest challenges of this century. Particularly, the commercial and business aviation sectors currently suffer due to drastically dropped demand and closed national borders. CAT Aviation has adopted various measures to remain operational:

  • Strict implementation of all possible protective measures such as social distancing, disinfection of the aircraft and protective gear distribution in accordance with WHO and ministry of health guidelines

  • Adjustment of the company’s organizational structure with specific duties and various shifts for all personnel

  • Additional risk evaluation on flight routes and destinations, security and passenger checks in order to assure highest safety and protection for passengers and crew, given the extraordinary circumstances.

Over the past 33 years, CAT Aviation has lived  through many economic downturns and global crisis. We have no doubt that the company will manage to overcome the current challenges. Please let us know if we can support your personal travel needs in any way.  We continue to be here for you +41-44-814 00 66,



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